Find interesting and well-researched posts on maternal health disparities affecting Black women written by Dr. Monique Rainford - the author of "Pregnant While Black".

You’re Pregnant; What do you do if you think something is wrong?
This was a very exciting time in Beth’s*[1] life. She had gotten married a year earlier and was now in the third trimester of her first pregnancy. As a health professional she knew she was at a slightly higher risk since she was over the age of thirty-five, but she felt she had a trustworthy OB/Gyn and that she was in good hands.
[1] * name changed

This is dedicated to my friend Claudia, a survivor and "Carry" who lost the battle.

If Healthcare for Women is Compromised...
Last year, because of the Affordable Care Act I was able to provide essential preventative office healthcare for women. Some of the women had not had a pap smear for several years, and others never, due to lack of health insurance. A few women required further intervention due to abnormalities diagnosed by screening but I knew they would be okay because it was discovered in time. If we hadn’t, it would be another story, a story I know too well.